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Saturday, May 29, 2010
12:34 AM
Wedding Gifts



Monday, November 23, 2009
10:57 PM
Long Jean

For the sake of remembering what I get for myself this X'mas and also to clock a post. Longines Hydro Conquest in Black Dial.

Friday, August 28, 2009
8:20 PM
23 Transit 24

Been either too lazy, too busy or not bored enough to blog.

Gonna be 24 soon, another step closer. Been a very successful year for me thus far especially in my love life and career. Will strive to maintain if not surpass it.

Different priorities and views on life as we age, dun you guys agree? Glad that my projected time-line and my actual time-line is quite matching up.

Till then.

Thursday, June 04, 2009
1:25 PM
ETD: 2035H

Counting down to Club Med Kani, Maldives.

Hope the weather there will be kind to us.

Monday, March 09, 2009
11:28 PM
Counting Down

Monday, January 12, 2009
10:49 PM
Be Creative

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands, but in seeking with new eyes"

~Marcel Proust~

Attended a course on Creative Thinking today. I thought the following few questions were quite interesting. Try it, think out of the box. Its not some funny lame questions/answers shit. I believe it will really put you to the test unless you have answered them before that is.


1) By adding one straight line to the equation below, the sum will be correct. There are 2 answers - one not very difficult and one that requires creative thought.

5 + 5 + 5 = 550

2) Anthony and Cleopatra are lying dead on the floor of an Egyptian villa. Nearby is a broken bowl. There are no marks on their bodies and they were not poisoned. Not a person was in the villa.

How did they die ?

3) Immediately after the second world war 1939 - 1945, a dead pilot was found lying face down in the desert of Saudi Arabia. Besides him laid a package. If he had opened this package it would have save his life.

What was in the package?

4) How many birthdays does the average person in Singapore have?

5) If you had only 1 match and you entered a room in which there was an oil lamp, a stove, and an oil heater, which would you light first?

6) Some months have thirty days, some have thirty-one. How many have twenty-eight days?

7) You have two Singapore dollars with a total value of Singapore $7.00. One is NOT a Singapore $2.00. Please remember this. What are the dollars?

8) Divide 30 by 1/2 and add ten. What is the answer?

9) Is it legal in Singapore for a man to marry his widow's sister?

10) What was the highest mountain before Mount Everest was discovered?

11) A man pushed his car. He stopped when he reached a hotel at which point he knew he was bankrupt. Why ?


Answers will be provided in another post in due time or you may check your answers with me via MSN.

Thursday, January 01, 2009
4:57 AM
Doh Zeh

Thanks really !

Appreciate the effort, time and money spent on this 'match-maker' here. I was seriously just joking la. But guess its all too late now. Haa.

Really happy for the two of you. Esp my best bud, finally found someone whom I believe really knows how to appreciate him. Way to go man.

And san, my initial plan was to help bring back some colour to your life. Who to expect I bring more than colour. Haaa. Also Thanks for being the encouraging factor when I needed it back then.

Wishing the two of you the best of 09 ahead, may it be filled with sexcitement and love !!

ps: We will share the game. Wahahaha.

I am bored
So I blog
But now I don't blog
Cos I am bored.
I have to dot my chatbox
When my blog is bored
My blog is bored
Cos I do not blog.


program: photoscape.

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